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Chutney is my Dog of the Month for April. He has made so much progress so quickly. He started quite nervous and unsure but has responded really well to the training during our walk and is so much more confident now. Well done Chutney!


Dog of the Month Award: Testimonial

Suki has made so much progress. She is such a lovely girl but at times had not always wanted to pop out for her training walk especially if it was raining. However, she has now really started to enjoy these times. Loving her stroll, sniffing lovely smells, and enjoying the sun on her back. Definitely my dog of the month for May.


Dog of the Month Award: Testimonial

The reason I’ve chosen Lulu for June is because of how much she has improved. She is one of my more sensitive dogs but has improved so much. She now looks at dogs without barking and this is a massive achievement for her.


Dog of the Month Award: Testimonial
Dog of the Month Award: Testimonial
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Archie is my dog for July. I have walked and trained together for nearly three years. He started as a young dog and to be honest we have learnt together. I was newly trained, and he allowed me to practice my new skills. He has improved so much, and I love my training walks with him every week. His recall is now excellent which I have worked on to strengthen.


Dog of the Month Award: Testimonial

Perry is my dog for August. His recall  practice has really improved, and his loose lead walking is fantastic. Just love training with Perry especially when he roles over for a little tummy rub.
Well done, Perry.



Lia is my September dog of the month for her excellent loose lead  and recall skills both have improved so much. She always listens and is keen to learn. Well done Lia.


Dog of the Month Award: Testimonial
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